Pitch an article related to health, nutrition, lifestyle, skin care and aging research
How to pitch an article
We are interested in articles related to health, nutrition, lifestyle, skin care and aging research that explain complex issues in simple terms. Please familiarize yourself with what we have already published to see if your pitch is in line with our magazine.
Our editorial policy is to accept contributions exclusively from researchers, academic or PhD students currently working at research institutions or universities.
- Please submit your article to submit@youngerbee.com using your university email;
- The subject of your email needs to be ‘Pitch:<Title of your article>’;
- The article should be attached in a plain text file called ‘post.txt’ and contain a maximum of 1000 words, avoiding formulae and technical jargon as much as possible;
- The first two lines of your file should be: Authors: <Name1-MiddleName1, Surname1 (University1); Name2-MiddeName2, Surname2 (University2);> Title: <title of the article>
- Please include a brief description in your email contextualising your article, e.g. the relevant scientific literature with bibliography. Normally four references are sufficient. The references need to be from peer reviewed journals.
- Your email should end with the following sentence: I consent to the processing of my personal data by Youngerbee (trademark of Icefair Ltd) according to the privacy policy at “https://youngerbee.com/privacy” for the following purposes: to allow the editorial process to assess and potentially publish my article.
- After receiving your email we will check that you have followed the instructions above and we will send you an email with a pitch ID to be used in the subject of any email exchange during the editorial process.
- An article sent to Youngerbee cannot be submitted to any other online or off-line magazines, websites, blogs, etc. for the entire duration of the evaluation period which lasts up to three weeks. If your article is accepted, it will be published with a CC-BY-ND 4.0 license in line with the editorial process. We aim to publish articles within five weeks from submission. Youngerbee will not retain any claim on rejected articles, hence they can be submitted to other outlets.
- No remuneration is provided to the authors.
- We do not charge any fee.